Audit and consulting company GLOBAL GROUP CONSULTING Ltd. Skopje
Company for consulting services ACCOUNTING FINANCE AND TAXES SFID Ltd. Skopje
Economic legal consulting FV
Revizija Stojcevski
Euro Konsalt Plus
Konto Profit Ltd.
Professional Account Ltd.
Company for economic and legal consulting PEKOVIC Ltd.
Company for consulting services PRO KONSALTING PRO Ltd. Tetovo
Pro Agents Ltd.
Audit and consulting company GLOBAL GROUP CONSULTING Ltd. Skopje
Company for consulting services ACCOUNTING FINANCE AND TAXES SFID Ltd. Skopje
Economic legal consulting FV
Revizija Stojchevski
Euro Konsalt Plus
Konto Profit Ltd.
Professional Account Ltd.
Company for economic and legal consulting PEKOVIC Ltd. Skopje
Company for consulting services PRO KONSALTING PRO Ltd. Tetovo
Pro Agents Ltd.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Ltd.
Academy of Banking and Information Technology-Skopje
Institute of Chartered Auditors
Association of financial workers of local governments and public enterprises
Rafajlovski Consulting Ltd.
The Institute is an independent, non-political and non-profit organization, whose members are accountants and certified public accountants, regardless of their national, religious, racial and other affiliations.
Ul. “St. Kiril i Metodij” no. 20, office building of Automakedonia, floor 2 (next to Makpetrol’s main office)
+389 (0)2 3200030
Street Kay 13th November tower 2/8 Skopje (GTC main directorate building)
+389 (0)2 3200030
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